[parable] 12/2/11
Several months ago I was going to church one Sunday morning and there were so many animals in the road (run over by cars). Now that is not odd in and of itself especially here in the South. However, this was a relevantly high number of animals. And as I drove, I kept being quickened to these animals dying as they were on the highway. I asked the Lord about it and I heard, "They have fallen on their own sword." Now, do I think that that the animals actually had little swords, no. This was a parable.
Last night the Lord reminded me again of this parable as I was praying over an apparent apostolic leader serving unscriptural leadership. You know, sometimes, in the quest to reach a broad audience numbers start playing with our heads. And instead of standing firm on the Word of God (which is quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword, able to divide joints and marrow soul and spirit) and allowing Him to lift us up we comprise, only slightly, to appease a greater audience a wider less knowledgeable (in the sense of scripture) range of people.... However, even 0.00001 degree of compromise makes our message no longer Truth (as God is not a God that HE could lie....He is not compromising) and our message then becomes our words and not His. And we are no longer advancing the Kingdom but are advancing ourselves.
My Challenge to you:
Please before you jump off the diving board with both feet in regards to leaders in the faith look to see what they believe... IF it is compromising the Word of God (even to the 0.000000001 degree) --Run the other way!!!! Regardless of what big name they come to you with... Don't be big name seekers be God seekers... Seekers of the Truth, absolute TRUTH- For in that lies the Father.