Monday, April 16, 2012

Be Lead by the Spirit

[vision/parable] 4/15/12

SAW: Someone doing flips on a trampoline.  As I watched the scene changed to an open field.  This same person would pause look ahead and then do very skilled gymnastics careful to methodically place her hands and feet in precise places. (I had the understanding that this was to avoid hidden traps, a mine field of sorts.)

"The proud have hidden a snare for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set traps for me. Selah'(Psalm 140:5)

"Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, And from the traps of the workers of iniquity."(Psalm 141:9)

I was a gymnast growing up and traveled all around performing.  It was an honor to be on the traveling team.  But before I made it to that team, I had to spend many hours in the gym perfecting my skills.  Each skill had it's very own particular movement and it took my entire body doing the correct movements at the correct times to allow the skill to be performed appropriately.  Many times I would learn to perfect the skill on the trampoline first then advance to doing it either on the floor or on the balancing beam (the landing was much softer on the trampoline).  I soon learned that the key in doing many different kinds of flips was to always know where the floor or beam was.  That sounds so simple but there are blind spots in flipping and as oddly enough much of it is taking leaps of faith in knowing that your body remembers which way to go.  This is called acquiring muscle memory and it comes from doing something over and over again.   By the time I would perform the skills on the floor or beam they were as second nature to my muscles and I knew exactly where and how to place my hands and feet.
[end parable]

As I think about this I am reminded that the Lord gives spiritual gifts (skills) to the body of Christ that enable us to look beyond our current surroundings to the spiritual atmosphere that lay ahead.   When we first acquire these gifts (skills) we often fall flat on our faces while trying them out.  But after some time of exercising the spiritual muscle we learn to operate and flow in them smoothly.  Does this mean that we won't from time to time again fall flat on our faces? NO, we most assuredly will.  However, the key is to stop and look ahead.  Know where the Spirit is and what the Spirit is doing.  In other words, take a moment to see what the spiritual ground in front of you looks like.  Then move according to the what the Spirit shows you resting assured in where to place your hands and feet.  Allow the Spirit to be your muscle memory leading you mine field.

"Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."(Galatians 5:25)

"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the waywalk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left."(Isaiah 30:21)

"But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’"(Jeremiah 7:23)
My child such a training you are going through.  I Am so proud of you.  This one has been a tough on for you.  And I see your eagerness in doing it just right.  I hear your pleas for help.  My sweetie, you are not alone.  I am right here with you and Am training your My body.  Precision is the goal.  And you have well placed hands and feet.  My child, it is by no accident that you are here.  I have placed you in this time and I will guide you through the hidden traps the enemy has placed.  For I see them all very clearly.  Faith!  Your faith  pleases me.  For you understand that your eyes and hears are My eyes and ears.  You are so faithful in guarding them.  This has allowed a great sensitivity to My Spirit.  You turn when I say turn and you stop when I say stop.  Such obedience has served you well.   For I am behind you the entire way saying," This is the way, walk in it"!