Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wing Man

[open vision/open hearing] 3/25/12

HEARD: I heard one of the girls talking about you.  How you are the top wing man.

Wing ManThe concept of a "wingman" goes back to World War I when pilots found that attacking in formations provided more support than attacking a target on their own. "Wingman" was originally a term referring to the plane flying beside and slightly behind the lead plane in an aircraft formation. A wingman is a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment.

SAW: The picture of me that is one my website appearing on my Facebook page.

HEARD: Rises higher against the wind.

HEARD:  Got to be willing to jump and reach.

HEARD (open hearing): You have to be willing to climb higher.

HEARD(open hearing): My cell phone ringing

SAW (open vision): The clock on my phone alarm with the time P:11.

Quickening: Psalms

"I trust in the Lord for protection.
So why do you say to me,
“Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety!"(Psalm 11:1)

SAW (open vision): My son entering my room so exceeding thankful and excited because he had found $100.

"A psalm of thanksgiving.
1 Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
3 Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation."(Psalm 100)

HEARD:  Strategically positioned.  You will rise as high as the ones you honor.

Fill Thy Cup: 
My daughter, you have advanced and are rising higher.  You are completely supported and protected in this new territory.  As I will never leave you or forsake you.  Wing man.  I have placed you here for a purpose.  For such a time as this you have been strategically positioned.  You have been so faithfully honoring those leaders in the faith.  And now you are rising as high as them.   I am positioning you to be the wing man for others as well.  Remember two can only walk if they agree.  Unity is vital during this season.  Where there is unity with Me and My body there is advancement.      

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Prophetic Impressions: Filling in the Blanks.

[rhema] 3/24/12

SAW: Crayons spread out all over the table as if someone had been searching for just the right color.

HEARD:  Bits in pieces.  Fill in the blanks.  In the morning.  Find out. Talk to Him about it.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part."(I Corinthians 13:9) 

"Fill in the blanks" this is prophetic impressions.  A knowing or understanding of what is seen or heard.  It's the in between.  The connecting parts to the 'bits in pieces" of visions and rhema.

The Lord has been stretching me to give prophetic impressions of what I am seeing and hearing when prophesying over someone.   So, in my desire to be obedient to Him, I started doing this several weeks ago.  With a certain boldness I have I stepped forward claiming this territory and I have been amazed to see and hear the confirmations of the accuracy of the impressions.   It is almost as though there is a natural flow.

QUICKENING: Sandy's Journals.


[start quote]
I AM infusing a holy bold faith into you this season.  I AM pouring a substance inside of your spiritual backbone that will come forth from hearing My Word and acting upon it.  This faith is so radical that you will see tangible evidence and confirmations as to My Word.  This fortification will take you to a higher level in prayer, prophesying, healing and deliverance.  Intercessors, prophets and warriors, release the rod of faith!
[end quote]

The confirmations to the prophetic impressions have been unanimous.  These are the ones I received today from two  people whom I Have recently prophesied over

First confirmation: 
"Erica,  What you say here, " I get the impression that you feel as thoughyou have capped off... You have climbed as high as you can and there is nothing left to hold on too. I feel as though you have petitioned God about this and He has sent messengers to you."  Is VERY true.  I have been praying about this and waiting." 

Second confirmation: 
"Overwhelmed right now with what the Lord showed you this morning....again it fits me perfectly ..He has favored me and placed me around very prophetic people who but have not had such a accurate description of me." 

HEARD:  One. Complete. You in I and I in you.

"17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."(1 Corinthians 6:17)

"The one who keeps God’s commands lives in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. "(1 John 3:24)

Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus."  31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness."(Acts 4:29:31)

My daughter.  How proud of you I am.  You have stepped forward with no hesitation.  With no doubts you have faithfully obeyed.  With confidence you deliver My words and don't look back.  What joy We have in watching you grow.  You are certainly My child.  For this is a new day for you.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Protected, So All Things Are Visible.

[confirmation/parable] 3/22/12

For several weeks now I have felt the pull to close my Dwelling With The Holy Spirit Facebook group.  This has been very hard for me as this was my first big step out in the public eye.  God asked me to trust Him and I couldn't tell Him no.  So, I stepped out and He has honored my faithfulness to Him.  Now He is asking me to step out further into a public page.  

              [Father, it is so wide open. A public page is so public.  No boundaries.]


CONFIRMATION: Posted today from Sandy Warner.

[start quote]

HEARD:  Plumb line.  Living in a glass house.  I am protecting you. 

Those Who love Me live in the light.  There is no shadow or turning.  They resist the darkness and flee from such.  They do not hide from the light, but rather run and open themselves to My light.  They gladly bare their hearts, just to release My love and sweet perfume upon those who would receive.  They walk with integrity and pure motive; all around them see their hearts and lives for who they really are. 

If they are weak, then they are weak, if they are strong, then they are strong.  If they struggle, then they say so.  Having My light within them, they release their faith and their testimony through all they are overcoming, through living by My Word.  It is My Word that sustains them and My Word that keeps them.  My Word shines upon them and lights their way.  These, My beloved ones, live in My glass city; the city that shines like clear diamonds in the light of My glory. 


[confirmation parable] 3/23/12
Okay, so this morning I go to the gas pump and my bank card was declined. I thought that was VERY odd in that I just gotten paid a few hours prior.  I knew there was no way my card could be declined.  So, I did what every person does when they have no gas and now no money.  Slight panic!  I called the bank and kept getting a, "Sorry, we can not access your records as this time." recording.  Wow, I thought, what on earth is going on??   


With in 15 mins I got a call from Card Fraud Protection Services with my bank.  (Yes, a momentary need for several deep breaths out took place.) 

"Mrs. Christopher, we see some suspicious looking activity on your account we would like to go over it with you, will that be alright?"  Yes, most definitively!  "Okay, we have two transactions that popped up yesterday that we are suspicious of and since that time we have had a temporary block on your bank card and account.  Can you verify these transactions from Wisconsin for the amount of $$$?"  I'm sorry, where? Wisconsin??  "Yes ma'am it was used at a hotel."  No absolutely not, I live in MS and was NOT in Wisconsin yesterday!  "Okay, ma'am I have placed a permanent block on your card and frozen your account.  You will need to get with your banking institution for clarification of transactions and to order a new bank card."  I am sorry, but how did this happen?  Where did my number get stolen from?  "Mrs. Christopher we just don't know right now as it could have come from a non-secure web site or even you purchasing gas at the pump. We just don't know.  We will continue to watch your account and let you know if we see anything else."  Overwhelmed with gratefulness and a sence of protection I stated, "Thank you so much for placing a hold on my account.  I mean this really messes me up but thank you, for protecting me! "Your welcome ma'am.  We will let you know if anythig else comes up."
[end parable]

HEARD: I am protecting you.  

        [Wow, Father I had no idea I even had this service.  Thank you for protecting me.]

I was in a state of awe for several hours after this phone call as I realized that this was a complete parable and confirmation to to my obedience in stepping out into more of the public eye.

"18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."(2 Corinthians 3:18-NLT)

"How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world." (Psalm 31:19)

"Fear of the LORD leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm."(Proverbs 19:23) 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Recover From An Offense

[vision/rhema] 3/23/12

SAW: An infected wound I have been treating on my of my patients.  I saw the thin white packing and a large white gauze pad covering the wound.

HEARD: We can use this to patch it.  She will be okay. This will be okay.

"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit." 
(Psalms 34:18)

My daughter, I know you have a broken heart from this offense.  And I have heard your plea asking Me to wash this away.    I know this is hard, I will cover all offense and make this wound white as snow.  My daughter, YOU must forgive and YOU must release the offender.  You can not just pass this by and move on.  It will fester and a great infection will take hold.  YOU must treat this now.  You have learned this hard lesson before and now I am simply reminding you.  Forgiveness is a daily choice.  


The Quickened Word email from last night.  I read it this morning after receiving the above rhema. 

[start quote]


VISION:  I entered into a small gallery of gems that were inside glass cases.  And I saw a tour guide (angel) gather us as she was going to talk to us about what was in the room.  I saw a diamond that was sitting in the palm of a hand.  It was about 5 inches in diameter.

HEARD:  This one is forgiveness.

Matt 6:14-15  NLKV
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

I understand you were offended and it hurt.  Let Me bring the pain to the surface and cleanse it from  any infection.  I know it is difficult, but the only way to preserve your own freedom from this offense is to forgive. Whether the offense was intentional or not, to nurse your feelings will only cause the wound to grow and become infected.

Unforgiveness binds the soul and keeps the offense fresh in the mind and heart.  Over and over again the enemy will bring it to memory and build upon it, expanding its pain by resurrecting other offenses.  Unforgiveness also releases evil forces to be sent to the one who has offended.  This causes an even greater gap between yourself and that person, for that person is driven even further into creating more of the same kind of offenses.

Forgiveness is a choice not necessarily a feeling.  Forgiveness says, “This person has incurred a debt, and I release him of it.”  I cover his sin and say, “Please Lord, do not charge it to his account.”  When you release someone from offense, you release yourself as well.  It allows Me to do My work and keeps you from harm.  Let it go and bring it to Me.  I AM waiting.

“Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evilFor thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”  (Matthew 6:11-13)

 [end quote]

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Choosing The Fabric Of Choice

[rhema] 3/19/12

HEARD: Some people might have another choice for a fabric. Oh right. Right.

"Fabric" defined:
  • a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers 
  • framework; structure 
  • the method of construction 

Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together with bones and sinews? "(Job 10:11)

 13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb."(Psalm 139:13-NLT)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you;

I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”(Jeremiah 1:5)

Strong's Concordance: "Formed" H3335
  • to be created
  • formed
  • fashioned. 
When God was forming us, creating our physical being He also created our spiritual destiny our calling (Jeremiah 1:5).  For we all are created for a purpose, not just any purpose a specific purpose.  And while it is our choice to follow Him, the gifts and callings that He ordained together in us as we were being knit are not and can never be taken away.  They are there whether we choice to be obedient to them or not.  

29 For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn."(Romans 11:29-NLT)

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

I believe the word 'choice" from the rhema speaks to our ability to decide to walk in our callings or not.  When we choice to follow Him and walk in the obedience of the call He has placed on our lives we are adorned with the finest fabrics.  Fabrics suited to our callings.  Though this is not something we see with our physical eyes, those who have eyes to see can very easily pick up on this.  Our spiritual clothing is suited to our personal characteristics and ministries.  Our call.  

It has been prophesied over me several times that my spiritual robe is regal, royal.  It is made up of golds, purples, reds.  The cloak of an Ambassador.  This appearance is transpired into the armor that I am suited with as it also has been prophesied with confirmations that my armor is suited with jewels of every color and a sword of gold.  

"So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was honey, olive oil and the finest flour. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen. "(Ezekiel 16:13)


BEING THE DRESS [rhema] 3/15/12

HEARD: He asked me today, "Did I enjoy being a prom dress"?  If the shoe fits wear it.

Quickened Parable: 
This week my oldest daughter has been prom dress shopping with her friends.  They would go shopping and she would bring home pictures of her favorites to show me.  She would describe each dress with such excitement for this is a celebration.  She is a senior and is graduating.  The dress we both decided on was beautifully tailored just for her. It has several layers of different shades of brown taffeta on the bottom with a shimmery golden brown on the top.  The bodice is covered with large jewels in every color.  This dress perfectly highlighted her golden brown locks and her icy blue eyes.  She is stunning in it!  
[end parable]

Prom defined:  a formal dance, especially one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year.

HEARD: Adorned in Jewels

"You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone — red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone, blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper, blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald— all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. "(Ezekiel 28:13)

Quickened Word from a Facebook friend and Dwelling with The Holy Spirit member: 
"I see you being fitted with a new suit of armor right now in the Spirit. It is a little different from the last one. He says you know it and He has been revealing to you what it all means. There are many gemstones that have been added into this suit."
Fill thy Cup: 
My sweet, it brings Me such joy to see you walk in the calling I have created for you.  These shoes fit you perfectly as I created them on the day I dreamed of you.  You bring Me such joy as you are so careful to be obedient.  Even when it hurts you serve Me.  You pass every test as You are faithful to Me in spite of the pain you feel and because of that I am celebrating you.   I have adorned you with jewels of very color.  You shine and sparkly.  Like the jewels in the night sky, you are a shining light and will be a beacon for many.    

Monday, March 19, 2012

Release For The Harvest Is Near

[dream] 3/19/12

I remembered tonight that I had received an email form a man requesting prayer and prophesy from my website about a month ago.  I felt so badly that I had not sought the Lord on his behalf yet and repented over not doing it.   Then within just a few minutes I received two more emails back to back from people who were seeking a Word from the Lord.

[Father, your people are so hungry to hear from You.  Help me to be obedient and faithful in seeking You on their behalf.]

[start dream]
I received and email from some friends who are in the ministry.  When I opened the email it said in very large letters,
                                 "Keep Releasing"
I then woke up.
[end dream]

As I lay in bed pondering this I,

SAW: Someone standing in a very large field throwing grain out as far as they could.  They were sowing seeds.

Quickened comment from Sandy: 
"this is all related to the days of acceleration where it finally happens that the planter can not keep up with the reaper!   

I am taking this as a command and a warning to stay on top of these ones He is sending to me as these are days of acceleration and the time of the harvest is near.

The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills, "(Amos 9:13)

Fill Thy Cup: 
My daughter, plant plant plant.  Sow as much seed as you can for the days of Harvest are upon us and I want all to be ripe.  I will quicken the ground you sow in as you are obedient with the little I will send you more.  Much more as the days are upon us.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Worship In Unity

[vision] 3/18/12

SAW:  A congregation in one accord worshiping with hands lifted high.    As I watched I suddenly saw everyone literally get hit with the Holy Spirit.  It was like a wave and everyone fell down under the anointing.  No one was left standing.  

"1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore."(Psalms 133)

SAW: A hush fall over the angels before the throne and all were attentive to this worship service.  As the One enthroned leans forwards.  This praise has His full attention. 

3But You are holy, O You Who dwell in [the holy place where] the praises of Israel [are offered]. "(Psalm 22:3-Amplified )

Fill Thy Cup: 
It is I who commands a blessing when My children come before Me in unity.  It is a sound I can not deny for it is most pleasant to My ears.  So pleasant that I hush the worship in heaven so all may hear.  This is a sound that I must inhabit I will descend upon them and My glory will over take them.   It is I who commands this blessing.  I am God and there is none like Me.  When MY people worship me in unity, they will feel My power and I must inhabit their praise. 

Going Higher

[rhema] 3/16/18

HEARD: Going home.  That is all I needed to know.

[rhema/vision] 3/18/12

HEARD: Faith scales allegiance

SAW: A wall named 'allegiance' such as you would find in on a military training base.

SAW: Someone eating slices of a green apple

HEARD: Refreshment.

Quickened parable: 
As I ponder this I am reminded of the hills behind my home as a child.  I used to love to go walking in the woods and finding all sorts of things to get into.  I was very much an outdoors girl.  I remember this one particular part of a hill behind our home that was very steep.  And I remember on this particular day my grandfather was with me.  He said, "Hum, can you climb that one?"   As I turned to look my eyes filled with excitement because it was very steep and covered with leaves which made it all the more challenging.  Well without hesitation I set out to prove that I could do it.  I started climbing and very quickly realized the struggle would be more that I had accounted for as I began slipping on wet leaves.  I would grab a hold of every little tree in my way to use as a source of stability to pull myself up.  I began to concentrate so much each step in front of me that before I knew it I had ascended that hill and was standing proudly at the top.  "I did it!" I shouted looking for my grandfather.   I then turned around to see my grandfather standing there with me.   While I was lost in the climb, he had found an easier route and was waiting on me when I got to the top.   He simply laughed when he saw my face filled with astonishment of him being there.  "Good job!", he said.  "Okay let's go home!"
[end parable]

14 For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. 15 Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name."(Hebrews 13:14-15- NLT)

"Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah."  (Acts 3:20-NLT)

Fill Thy Cup:
My daughter, prepare to go higher to the next level.  Set your sights above as higher than any thoughts you have are My thoughts for you.   This next level will take a stronger walk of faith.  Remember that faith climbs on the wall of obedience.  The more obedient you walk with Me, the the higher your faith will climb.    Keep your eyes fixed on the prize and you will not grow weary for I will shower you with times of refreshment.  Soon, my daughter, you will see see new heights of My glory.    

Saturday, March 17, 2012

“Here comes that dreamer!”

 “Here comes that dreamer!..."
(Genesis 37:19)

It seems as though I have always been amazed at dreamers who know their dream. Those individuals who have had their dreams embedded within every fiber of who they are.  Where impossibility exist only when you try to separate the two.  Those who are not only the dreamer but are also the dream.   

When I was little I remember people asking my older sister about her dreams.   They would ask, "What do you dream about being when you grow up?" Her answer was always, "A nurse".  I honestly can't remember a time when that was not her answer.  She was always certain that was her destiny.   

When my oldest daughter was little and just learning how to hold a crayon it seemed as though we were watching destiny unfold before our eyes when the two were at work.  Now she is getting ready to graduate and will be pursuing a career in art and design.  

A couple of weeks ago I was listening to a sermon and was so captivated by these words, "The dream and the dreamer".  These words were so quickened to me that as I sat and listened I seem to escape a bit into a world where only my Father and I exist. 

               ["Why didn't You instill in me a dream?" ]  

HEARD:  I did. I instilled a great dream in you.  

               ["What was it I can't remember?"]  

SAW:  A picture of my earthly father.  

Pondering this vision I began to realize the significance as he was always just a dream for me.  He was killed in an automobile accident when I was only a year old and my mother never remarried.  I sat in complete awe over the realization of my dream.  It was the dream of being a daughter to a father.  

Now as I am basking in the remembrance of this dream and overwhelmed at the flood of memories that came rushing back I am thinking over the years of my life.   I can't remember a time where the dream of having a father didn't surface in some form or another.  Growing up I remember going to stay with friends and watching them interact with their fathers.  I was always so amazed at this particular kind of relationship, a daughter and a father.  What must it be like?  This was a dream that would seem to always be only a dream.  

SAW: A little girl looking up as if she was looking up at a parent. 

SAW: The same little girl holding the hand of her father walking down a long path.  

"A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation."(Psalms 68:5) 

Fill Thy Cup:  
My daughter, I instilled in you My dream.  My dream of being your Father.  A dream that one day you would allow me to fulfill, as one day you would seek me with all of your heart and I could call you My child.  For I had a big dream for you from the moment I thought of you.  From the time I knitted you together and breathed life into your lungs  I said this will be My child and I will be her Father.  I will hold her close and instruct her.  I will teach her Myself.   I will give her My dreams and My visions.  She will have eyes to see and ears to hear.  She will one day see what I see.  She will one day here My voice and she will obey.  One day she will realize that all of her dreams of having a father are fulfilled.  The dreamer will be living the dream when she walks  close with Me and seeks My voice above all others.  One day We well walk not only as Father and daughter but as friends.  My daughter you are not only My dream, but you are My dreamer. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Being the Dress

[rhema] 3/15/12

HEARD: He asked me today, "Did I enjoy being a prom dress"?  If the shoe fits wear it.

Quickened Parable: 
This week my oldest daughter has been prom dress shopping with her friends.  They would go shopping and she would bring home pictures of her favorites to show me.  She would describe each dress with such excitement for this is a celebration.  She is a senior and is graduating.  The dress we both decided on was beautifully tailored just for her. It has several layers of different shades of brown taffeta on the bottom with a shimmery golden brown on the top.  The bodice is covered with large jewels in every color.  This dress perfectly highlighted her golden brown locks and her icy blue eyes.  She is stunning in it!  
[end parable]

Prom defined:  a formal dance, especially one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year.

HEARD: Adorned in Jewels

"You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone — red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone, blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper, blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald— all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. "(Ezekiel 28:13)

Quickened Word from a Facebook friend and Dwelling with The Holy Spirit member: 
"I see you being fitted with a new suit of armor right now in the Spirit. It is a little different from the last one. He says you know it and He has been revealing to you what it all means. There are many gemstones that have been added into this suit."
Fill thy Cup: 
My sweet, it brings Me such joy to see you walk in the calling I have created for you.  These shoes fit you perfectly as I created them on the day I dreamed of you.  You bring Me such joy as you are so careful to be obedient.  Even when it hurts you serve Me.  You pass every test as You are faithful to Me in spite of the pain you feel and because of that I am celebrating you.   I have adorned you with jewels of very color.  You shine and sparkly.  Like the jewels in the night sky, you are a shining light and will be a beacon for many.    

Scissors: With Power


I saw a large pair of scissors with large eyes on them.  The tip of the scissors turned and touched the tip of my finger on my right hand.  As they touched I felt a sharp pin like sensation shot from my finger downward. It was so powerful that I literally felt it in the natural and I gasped and withdrew my hand backward. This woke me up.
[end dream]

        [Lord, help me.  What does this mean? ]

IMPRESSION: I get the impression that the scissors represents the Word of God.  The right hand is representative of ministry and power.  

HEARD: Endued with power.

"12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."(Hebrews 4:12)

"I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."(Psalm 16:8) 

"Your arm is endowed with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted."(Psalm 89:13)

"And now the LORD says— he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself, for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength "(Isaiah 49:5)

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (1 Peter 3:12)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

In the Cloud

[experience] 3/14/12

Last yesterday evening I was doing some paperwork and my 5 year old called me outside to look at something.  "Moma, do you want to see something really cool? Come here, put your shoes on.  I want to show you were Pawpaw lives",  she says.   Now Papaw passed away just over 2 years.  But, this little 5 year old remembers him very well.  He was her love!

As she grabbed my hand and was leading me outside,

HEARD: He descended in the cloud.  With a cloud of witnesses.  And bolts of lightning.

Once out on the front lawn, she pointed up to the corner of the sky and says, " Papaw lives in there with the lightening." I turned to look and was astounding at what I saw.  In the sky there was a single cloud that looked just like stadium seating.  I immediately turned around to see if there were other clouds in the sky as it had been a very sunny cloudless day.  There was NO other clouds in the sky at all.  This single cloud took up the whole 'corner' of the sky.  And contained with in the cloud were bolts of lightening and you could hear very slight thunder rumblings.  The lightning didn't travel outside the cloud.  I was captivated by this amazing site.  I couldn't help but know that this was a sign of encouragement for me as I am currently facing a few personal struggles. But, I also feel as though this is a corporate sign. 

12 Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced,
   with hailstones and bolts of lightning.
13 The LORD thundered from heaven;
   the voice of the Most High resounded.
14 He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy,
   with great bolts of lightning he routed them.":(Psalm 18:12-14)

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"(Hebrews 12:1)

"21 And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night."(Exodus 13:21)

 18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy. 19
 I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. 20
 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord."(Acts 2: 18-20)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

peanut butter and jelly

[rhema] 3/13/12

For several days now I have been struggle with an inner battle which is somewhat of a long story. However it is suffice to say that it has consumed my thoughts and I have felt joy leave and self doubt creep in.

Tonight, I attended our Ministry Team meeting with a heavy heart.  After the meeting, we spent time just worshiping and praising the Lord.  We could really feel the anointing washing over us.  As we did we simply waited on Him to see if there was anything the Lord wanted to say to us.

SAW:  A white fence with a question mark over it.

HEARD:  Are you going to allow this fence to be an obstacle or a hurdle?

[Well, Lord I really had not planned on bringing this up tonight but since You did I guess I will.]

Knowing what the Lord was referring to, I began describing to the team what I saw.  As I did,  I inadvertently described the fence as a hurdle.  Hum, interesting, for several days now I had allowed this fence to be an obstacle but now as I describe it, without even thinking about my choice of words, it's a hurdle.  None the less, as badly as I wanted to verbalize this struggle (put a name on the hurdle) I couldn't.  I tried several times as my incredible ministry partners waited.  But could not get it out.  I knew that the Lord wanted me to bring it up, but I also knew that this was not the forum to divulge all.  Here is the thing about being friends with prophetic people, they simply receive from the Lord, you don't really have to say a whole lot, smile.  They began prophesying over me and their words were so beautiful and so on target.  Then perceiving my struggle, they then started declaring the good things they saw in me, over me.  Wow!  I really was not seeking such a blessing, but that was exactly what I needed. I needed to here the adjectives the Lord would use to describe me  to overpower the adjectives that I had been thinking of myself.   In fact, their beautiful words of truth and light made what I was feeling all the more dark and shameful. And this separation of light and dark was vast.  I could literally feel the darkness scurrying away.   I left that meeting feeling different as healing and restoration from the matter had taken place. 

After our ministry time,

HEARD: She just got splattered with peanut butter and jelly.

           [Okay, Lord...  I have no idea about this one.  Peanut butter and jelly?]

As I ponder this Word, "Peanut butter and Jelly".  I am thinking about the sweet nature of jelly and the protein and energy (life) giving nature of peanut butter.   Yes, I was washed with the Lord's sweet life giving Words which broke the yoke of the burden I had been carrying.

"It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil."(Isaiah 10:27)


Confirmation from Sandy Warner's Rhema Journals. http://www.thequickenedword.com/rhema/MyAnointingBreaksTheYoke.htm

[start quote]


QUICKENED THOUGHTS:  I was thinking that reminds me that Mahesh says that when the anointing of the Lord shows up, you can say peanut butter and jelly and people are set free.  
[end quote]