[quickening] 2/17/12
My daughter creates t-shirts for our area and today she brought home the above t-shirt of which she designed for her Beta Club.
Quickened Words: Start Your Engine.
After discussing the shirt, I came upstairs to check my email. Just after I opened my inbox I received a new email that caught my attention:
Quickened Email from my Sirius XM subscription: Erica, Start Your Engine.
Parable: 2/18/12 @ 1:30pm
Today as I was running some errands, my tire pressure sensor alarmed "Low Air Pressure". I looked at my gauges and noted that my rear tire pressure was steadily dropping. knowing that I would not make it home nor would I make it on into town I called my husband to come help. He got there with everything needed to either air my tire up or change my tire. He opted to air it up and try to make it into town to get the tire fixed. As he was airing it up he stuck his head in the window and said, "Erica, you have two nails in your time. When I disconnected I want you to go as fast as possible into town. I will be behind you but I don't think the tire will make it. If the pressure starts dropping again pull over and wait for me. I will air it up again. Let's see how far you can make." So when he disconnected the air tank he patted the roof and I knew to go. I went about 10 miles and the pressure dropped so low I had to pull over and wait for him to air it up again. With in just a min he was behind me airing up my tire again. Again he patted the roof and shouted, "Go". So, off I went again. About 10 miles down the highway the pressure again dropped to low and I had to pull over one more time. This time as I was waiting on my husband the Lord quickened, "NASCAR season is here" to me. I started laughing. My husband pulled up and one last time he aired my tire up and patted the roof. So, I was off again. This time amazed at the Lord. I pulled into the service station in town just in the nick of time.
Confirmation: 2/18/12 @7:10pm
As I am typing this entry, I am hearing the announcer on the television downstairs say, "Welcome to opening Night of the 2012 Season at the Daytona Race Track.". As I hear this, my jaw literally drops and I make my husband rewind the DVR about 5 times.
As I sit and ponder this I am hearing the opening prayer and am quickened to the words, "Man made thunder". I am reminded of my husband's trip to the race track many years ago and how he told of the moment when all of the engines started and revved their motors in unison as it would seem. He told of how you could feel in your chest the vibrations of such powerful engines. Then once the flagman dropped the flag initiating the start of the race, the cars would take the track and begin their course. Each eagerly setting out to be the one to win the prize. He continued to tell of the moments when the cars would round the corner on the track near the stands, and how the stands would literally vibrate from the unified force. This man made force would cause the fans to go wild in excitement and expectation. Yes, this is "man made thunder".
Fill Thy Cup:
As I raise My banner above the nations I am calling you to ignite your faith and start your engines. Rev your motors in unison and take your place in the race. As you move forward claiming your ground you will become one with Me. Your spirit will vibrate from the intensity of My power flowing through you. But, as you come together in unison you will be creating a man made thunder that will cause the ground to shift and the walls to fall. You will advance with a force never before seen. Get ready my children for the joy that is set before you is greater than battle of the race. Heaven, is watching and there is much excitement and expectation in the great cloud of witnesses, for they are eagerly cheering yo
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls."(Hebrews 12:1-3)
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