Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine's Gift

[vision] 2/13/12

Okay, confession time.  I have always heard and read these two statements "The Bride" and "The Bridegroom" in relation to the church and the Lord.  However, even though my mind is there. I get it.  I have never really felt like the Bride of Christ.  Until tonight!

I went to bed last night feeling very brokenhearted and not certain as to why.  What I was certain of  was that my heart was in agony longing for so much more in so many areas of my spiritual life.  Feeling very much like a baby bird stranded in the nest with my mouth wide open.  And after a short time of waiting, realizing mama bird wasn't coming to feed me I would make my way to the edge of the nest and try to fly on my own.  Hungry!  However, once in the air I would realized my wings were way to small for the strong winds that blow and I would start to fall.  That was the feeling I had in my chest.   The feeling of having no mama bird to catch me...

I woke this morning with much of the same feeling. But by now the tears were emerging and I was doing all I could do to hold the damn in place.  Knowing that if I gave an inch the crack would be to great to hold back (and I needed to go to work) so I buffed up one more time and headed out for the day.  

When I got home I joined my spiritual sisters in a ministry team meeting.  We spent time just simply worshiping the Lord and needless to say by the midpoint in the meeting the damn just could not hold any longer.  Enter stage right: Holy Spirit.  Upon His arrival the heart softened and the tears began to flow. Thus, the healing begins.  The Great Comforter is in the building!

As our meeting closed we all had wet faces and puffy eyes, but healing had begun.  But this time I simply needed to be alone with my Lord.  I went to my bedroom and simply and quietly just laid soaking in His presence.

SAW: Glory light.  As I watched a couple appeared in the glory light dancing. A very romantic dance.   A Waltz.  As I watched Him lead Her so eloquently with His strong arms I was flooded with the most amazing sense of love.

UNDERSTANDING: This was me and Jesus dancing.

So, enamored  by such a glorious vision I was simply lost in the moment until the alarm of my email broke the the silence.  The email, a Valentine gift,  was filled with the most amazing answer to much desired prayer.  The title of the email was simply "Adopted" from one of the most amazing jewels  in the faith.  My eyes could hardly believe what they were reading as I read and re-read and then re-read the email... Then I had to stop and ask the Lord if I really read what I just read.  She was offering to mentor and adopt me!! Wow!!  What a beautiful Valentine's Gift from my Bridegroom!!  A dance, A jewel, and Adoption!