Thursday, April 21, 2011

Make your request...


Up early with the Lord...

SAW: Solomon (the word) 

Quickened memory: David makes Solomon King...Solomon's request to the Lord...

Read: 1 Kings 1: 28 - 1 Kings 3:15.

Scripture to ponder: 1 Kings 3: 7-15

HEARD: Does this sound familiar?

         [Yes, does... this is my prayer...Very often! Lord, give me wisdom and discernment... to bring you glory and honor...give me your heart...]

I found myself reading that particular passage over a couple of times.... and remembering that through the years of my life... I have always been drawn to this passage of scripture...for some reason it has been quickened to me MANY times...


SAW: Solomon

SAW: Specify...

Quickened scripture: 1 Kings 3: 7-15

Understanding: The Lord wanted me to make a request to him...

[ Lord,  I want wisdom and discernment to bring you glory and honor!  I want more of YOU!  I love you, Lord! ]

Dear Heavenly Father,
I give you praise....Lord I worship you.... Father right now in the name of Jesus I ask that you bind my heart to yours so that I am nothing but a mere reflection of you... Father, flow your understanding... your knowledge through me...for your glory and your honor...I thank you Lord... I love you Lord... Amen