Wednesday, April 6, 2011

General... Saul.... Our Nation in on God's heart...

On APRIL 1, 2011




As soon as I woke up on the 1st  I heard:  "General"  ( see today is the 6th...I have been pondering this for several days now...)  Then as I sat down with my bible and asked the Holy Spirit, "What do you want me to know... What do you want to say?"  I heard, "Saul" 

So, I turned to the last place I saw "Saul" in the scripture...which was 1 Samuel 15.. and read all the way through Saul's Kingship...from the time of his first encounter with Samuel until his death....When I finished reading I sat for a while just pondering what God was trying to tell me...I thought, "Yes, Saul was certainly a General!"  

However, I just felt as though there was something still to these quickened words...and so I decided to shelve it... But as soon as I "shelved" it on my blog I went downstairs...and saw Benny Hinn on the TV and just as I walked into the room he said, "When Samuel said to Saul The spirit of God will come upon you and you will be a different person...You see it is a transfer of the anointing..." (1Samuel 10:6)

Experience: Email from "Generals International"  (Cindy Jacob's Ministry). In this email Cindy was mentioning the upcoming "Cinco de Mayo Initiative' prayer for righteous trade, peace and security between the Mexico~USA border...

Honestly, I didn't make the connection right fact you see that is several days later...So, still this baffled by this word... and not really identifying personally to it..But, when God speaks it's important and I want to be cautious to give it my full attention...So, looking closer at Saul...and his leadership which was one that was birthed due to the people of Israel wanting the leadership of a king instead of following the Lord... So, the Lord gave them a King...But, Saul failed in his anointing because he disobeyed the Lord... So, needing some mentoring...and some confirmation...  I turned to my QW brothers and sisters... and this very key confirmation was sent... 



HEARDPower grid. Grid lock.

PIXI saw 2 small wooden boxes with treasures inside. Inside there were stories of Jacob and men of the Bible. The second box had my own treasures inside.

HEARDHe has hidden Himself.

DREAMI was sitting at a long table of prophetic leaders. (men) I leaned over to the fellow next to me who had announced he was from a certain Bible College before it had changed its name.

I said to him, “This is a Word from the Lord to you. Get your eyes off Saul, because Saul is dying. If you don't get your eyes off Saul, then you will become just exactly like him, because that is where your emotional focus is.” He cried and repented.

HEARDThey had some old dying leaves among them.

I am bringing a change of leadership. For many years, My Presence has been held back in the denominations by a controlling spirit. I am raising up new leadership that will have My heart for the people and will not quench My Spirit. You stand upon a bridge, between the old and new way. It is a span of time like an interval inbetween. It has been a long war with powerful gridlocks in the spirit realm between the old and new.

The controlling spirit has been like a cancer that has spread throughout the churches. I will be the Master Surgeon and excise the old decay out of My people. Saul is dying. Get your eyes of Saul. If your emotional focus is on Saul, you will become just like him. Place your eyes and heart upon Me and where I am taking you. Look forward and do not look back.

“And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.” (1 Sam 15:35 KJV)

**taken from Rhema from The Quickened Word site.. 


Quickened Memory: "I am stretching your spiritual ground... " Link to that blog:  Persevere

Confirmation: Just then my email on my phone and again I got an email from "General International" regarding the "Cinco de Mayo Initiative" He is confirming that this is a corporate and not personal... 

God is telling me what's on his heart... This prayer initiative is on his it is prayer initiative for righteous trade, peace and security between the Mexico~USA border...


Please read and follow the link to sign up for the 21 days of prayer for our nation. If it's on the heart of God, shouldn't be on ours too? 

As we are again about to enter a time of change in leadership... God's sovereign hand will move as we set our hearts and eyes on him... Seek Him and His desires...His leadership...His Government...His Authority here in America...

Father God~
We cry out to you for your sovereign hand of leadership to move us a nation back into a place of fear and trembling before you... Father,  that you would guide our hearts and prayers into complete alignment with your will... As it is in Heaven...Father, please I plead that you withdraw not your mercy and grace from us... But give us grace of humility to recognize and turn from our evil as a nation... Father, I ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ~ Amen

***interesting note: I joined the Generals International emailing list on 3/25/11