I laid down on the couch for a few minutes before I had to run pick up the kids... just I laid down I had this vision:
Pic: I saw this handle and under the hand I saw spider...and I saw my hand reaching out to grab the handle...
Heard: "Watch you fingers."
Experience/confirmation: Keely my 5 year started screaming.."Moma, Come here...there's a bug." I walk into the bedroom where she was and there were ants.. I went to the cabinet to get some ant spray... On the can of spray was a huge picture of a spider.
I then looked up spiders in QW and found this...
A Spider represents the occult, witchcraft, new age, confusion or control. (Metaphor ~ Spins a web and you get tangled in it)
I have always heard others say that spiders represent witchcraft, so that is what I adopted in my spiritual language. Witchcraft acted out in the flesh usually means control, intimidation and domination exerted in the personality over another person or circumstance.
The part that was quickened to me was "Acted out in the flesh usually means control"
I have a bad habit of "picking" my fingers.. cuticles... especially when I am pondering things... sometimes such as right now, I pick them so much that they hurt and bleed. Today this has really bothered me... they are really hurting...and I hate this habit.. it really has had some control of me... So, what I heard, "Watch your fingers." God revealed to me that this is something that I need to pray over and bind the spirit of control and witchcraft... So, I have done.. I expect to see nice well kept fingers...well guarded fingers! Thank you Lord for caring about my fingers.. and about something that bothers me...
Isaiah 59:5-6 (New International Version, ©2011)
5 They hatch the eggs of vipers
and spin a spider’s web.
Whoever eats their eggs will die,
and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.
6 Their cobwebs are useless for clothing;
they cannot cover themselves with what they make.
Their deeds are evil deeds,
and acts of violence are in their hands.