Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Soap in A Bottle

[vision] 8/23/11

HEARD: It seems as though you enjoy it quit a bit. Putting soap in the bottle. 

SAW: A man wearing a dark blue shirt and white swirls that look like bubbles.


Quicken Word: 

What was quickened to me as I ponder what I heard was when you pour soap in a bottle you can then dip something with holes into it and pull it out and blow (the breath of God) bubbles...These bubbles float and then land and pop as they pop they release cleansing... Thus, the white swirls that look like bubbles on a blue shirt..  The blue usually represents the prophetic...White righteousness...  

Beautiful interpretation by a QW member:

"As you minister to others and "pour Him into the people you minister to", (loving to fill the soap bottle), He brings the scrubbing bubbles and He cleanses, heals, and restores them back to right standing with Him!"

Malachi 3:2
"But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap."

Matthew 25:21

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"


update Email confirmation from QW member: 

QW member quoting Prophet Jennifer Archer:

[start quote]

 Are you wanting to be a channel for the Glory and Presence of the Lord?
Is there a fire burning within you to be used of Him, and to flow in His power and His Love?
To make a difference! To shake the nations with His presence! All the Lord is looking for is
a willing vessel! 

The secret is to be like a bubble. Have you ever blown bubbles with dishwashing detergent?
You mix the detergent with a bit of water, and dip a wire loop into the soap. You then lift it out
and blow gently on it, and a bubble comes out! If you get it just right , it doesn't burst and the wind
carries it away. The effect of the sunlight causes the colors of the rainbow to reflect in the bubble!

So it is with you! Allow the Lord Jesus to breath His Spirit into you and to form you into the vessel He wants you to be. With some cleansing of His blood , and the water of His Anointing, you will begin to
take shape, just like a piece of clay being molded on the wheel of the potter! Your job is to open your
heart wide to Him, to be transparent like that bubble. This means sharing everything within you and
holding nothing back from the Lord Jesus, yielding to His hand and being soft and flexible.

As you do this, He will raise you up and fill you with His Glory! You will be so filled up you will begin to reflect His very nature! You will flow out with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience,Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness
Faithfulness, and Self-Control! All the fruits of the Spirit will begin to manifest within your life, and will
cause you to be as a vine laden down with fruit that people can come to and eat from! Before you
know it , people will be drawn to the beauty of Jesus shining through you, and you will be flowing out
like a wellspring of bubbling water, refreshing the thristy people around you with His Presence and
His Life! 
[end quote]