Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go To Nineveh

Lost Valley Trail


HEARD: Go to Nineveh

As I was searching for Nineveh in my bible, my eyes were quickened to Jonah 4

Jonah 4:1-11
"1 But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. 2 He prayed to the LORD, “Isn’t this what I said, LORD, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”4 But the LORD replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?” 5 Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. 6 Then the LORD God provided a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the plant. 7 But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the plant so that it withered. 8 When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah’s head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, “It would be better for me to die than to live.” 9 But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” “It is,” he said. “And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.” 10 But the LORD said, “You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. 11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”

Wow, you know we have been hearing an awful lot about famine coming to America...about food shortages... about the rough times ahead... I, myself, have received a word or two about this. However, our God is never failing. He is a gracious God. He is a God full of compassion. A God abounding in love...A God who wants so desperately to relent from sending calamity on his people...He is a God that is greatly concerned over the state of America. His eyes are constantly running to and fro looking for those who will intercede on our Nations' behalf. There is no coincidence that such great storms have been pounding the east coast...For this is where the heart of our nation resides.

As of July 2009 The U. S. Census Bureau indicated that there are 307,006,550 people living in America. That is a good bit more than Nineveh's 120,000. A great country we are! People don't you think God is
greatly concerned? For we are a nation of 'believers' who can't tell their right hand from their left.  We have leaders proclaiming 'Christianity' yet are signing bills allowing the murderous acts of abortion to take place (From 1973 through 2008, nearly 50 million legal abortions occurred.)...We are a county that has allowed every form of blasphemous religion to take hold of our churches while the pews are being packng lisining to ear tingling sermons and we walk out feeling good about our lives and not convicted to our knees on our faces before the Almighty God. For we are a country whose hands have both spiritual blood and physical blood on them.  Is there any wonder the Lord is comparing us to the 'City of Blood" Nineveh (Nahum 3).

However, we have a hope and our HOPE is JESUS CHRIST!  Just now as I am typing this...

HEAR: Angels of Mercy. I have heard the cry of my people. 

God is sending out angels of Mercy into our nation... He will not forget His faithful ones... 

Malachi 3:17

“On the day when I act,” says the LORD Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him." 

This is the second time God has referred to America as Nineveh to me. He spoke to me on 6/29/11 about Nineveh out of Jonah 3  Nineveh.  

Father, I come to  you the creator of all...for you are worthy of all my time and praise.  Father, I thank you for your great mercy...your great love...your great concern... Father I pray that we all may fall on our knees in repentance...For we all have something to repent for... I come to you asking for forgiveness for myself first, then my nation...Father, I pray that we as a nation will run back to your loving arms...seeking your face... falling after your heart...craving a touch from your hands... Father for we need you...Father, Yes, send forth your angels of mercy...gather us up in your arms... Father remember us on that day...remember us in Jesus Mighty name.  

Population of America:

Reference Link on Abortion: 

Other suggested reading: