Monday, July 11, 2011

Trumpet Sea Shells...

[vision] 7/10/11

SAW: An angel appearing as though the glow of the sun was shining upon him...very light...very bright golden skin...very muscular... handing me an arm load of huge trumpet sea shells.  Each shell, as compared to his size,  seemed to be about a foot long.  

~I understood this to imply an increase in hearing..~

I remember taking my kids to the beach when they were really young and we would find all kinds of sea shells... We could never find the really big ones though... We would have to to the the souvenirs shop to see those.. But I remember picking them up and the first thing I would do would be to put it to my ear...I guess the saying is that you can hear the ocean in them... It always sounded more like wind to me...  

I am reminded that in Revelation John compared the voice of the Lord to a trumpet: 

Revelation 1:9-11

John’s Vision of Christ
 9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10 On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 11 which said:“Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”

Revelation 4:1

The Throne in Heaven 1 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said,“Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”

Job 39:19-24

 19 “Do you give the horse its strength 
   or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?
20 Do you make it leap like a locust,
   striking terror with its proud snorting?
21 It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength,
   and charges into the fray.
22 It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing;
   it does not shy away from the sword.
23 The quiver rattles against its side,
   along with the flashing spear and lance.
24 In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground;
   it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.


Confirmation: 7/20/11

This following is a quote taken from an email received from by Sandy Warner's The Quickened Word: How God Speaks entitled: Discernment: Learning to Separate The Holy & The Profane.   (NOTE:  "Angelic spirits" is only a portion of this article: This is a very extensive read on discernment.  Follow the link to read more on this subject). 

[start quote]


Angelic spirits
Hebrews 13:1 says, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." (NKJV) The Lord’s angels are not always obvious in their appearance. Sometimes we need to discern that they are angels.

Every one of us who are Christians have seen angels in our dreams! They appear as people that we do not know personally. They have personalities, appearances, countenances, voices, and within our dreams they are our helpers and encouragers."Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14 NKJV) They may speak to us in our dreams and because they appear human, we do not know they are angels.

We can also see pictures, which are quick flash visions of angels. I have seen many, many pictures of angels. Sometimes they appear as flashes of light, sometimes lightning, sometimes in human attire, sometimes with gold or bronze skin with powerful muscles, sometimes dressed in battle armor, sometimes smiling faces.
We can also hear angels. I have heard conversations of angels where they are talking to one another and not to me. I have heard them sing. I have heard them talk to God. I have heard them talk to me. Many have felt the literal and physical touch of an angel.

Angels play an important role in our life, for they serve us as a gift from God. One of the reasons they do not make a habit of openly declaring themselves is because they are created to glorify Jesus and to serve, not to publish their own identity and find followers.

In this day and time there is much renewed interest in angels. Unfortunately, the new age movement has also incorporated this. So beware when you listen to angel stories. Be on guard for any enticing story that would encourage a long time relationship with a guardian angel or even a friendship. The Bible says the enemy can be camouflaged as an angel of light, and the new age movement encourages having spirit guides who can appear in the form of an angel. They say each person should get in touch with these beings and have a relationship with them.

The difference is subtle, for angels are active in our lives, and they do love and encourage us, and sometimes talk to us, as the Bible says. I have read many stories of people who were delivered by angels, and I believe in times of intense long term trauma, an angel can have a temporary relationship with that person. However, the Lord wants us to seek Him and have a relationship with Him. He doesn’t want our faith displaced towards angels being our source, HE wants to be our source.

I personally believe that angels are dispatched with assignment, at the moment we pray. "Bless the Lord, you mighty angels of his who carry out his orders, listening for each of his commands. Yes, bless the Lord, you armies of his angels who serve him constantly" (Ps 103:20-21 TLB) I also believe an intercessor’s faith can actually strengthen the angel’s ability to fight through enemy territory as well as dispatch immediate help to people in need. (Daniel 10: 12,13) However the angels do not want the glory for this, as they are here to serve the Heavenly Father and us who are heirs of salvation. Stories about angels can be very encouraging, just keep your priorities straight and love our Father more for sending them to help us. (Colossians 2:18)
I had a funny experience having to do with angels. The Lord was trying to teach me that angels are my helpers, and they are dispatched with assignment the moment I pray. They are actually waiting for us to understand our authority, so they can get busy and do what they do best. Often we have the resources available to help many people, but they are not dispatched via the angels because we do not pray.

Anyway, I had been thinking about angels, and wondering about my guardian angel. Because I hear so much from the Lord at night, I often get enemy opposition. So I have learned to take authority over such until I hear Him clearly. One night I was wondering what giant, husky, warring angel the Lord had posted beside me and feeling kind of cradled by the thought. Then bam, I heard the enemy, so I rebuked it in Jesus Name, then prayed the blood of Jesus over our door posts and then asked for a nice giant warring angel to stand guard.
I heard the enemy say, "I think they want us to leave!" As I heard that, I realized the enemy was talking about the angel standing guard as well as myself and I was encouraged. Then I saw a picture vision of the face of a very pretty girl angel. Her smile was so loving and precious and it was kind of a tongue in cheek smile. I saw her eyes literally twinkle, and then she winked at me! I was so astonished and then immediately I thought, "THIS is my husky, giant, warring angel?????" My faith went to about zero. Then I remembered the subtle ploy of trusting in angels, instead of the Lord, and also the authority He’s given me. It was very funny and I instinctively knew that the reason she winked was to say, "I guess we showed them!"

I learned something that day. Number one, I was a chauvinist! Number two, the Lord wanted my faith in Him and in the authority He’s given me, not my faith in the angel standing guard. Number three, my authority must be more than I thought, or else with so much opposition, I would certainly need a nice, burly angel to protect me - at least one with a sword! [Sorry Lord, I just had to put that in!] The whole thing was very funny to me and we all had a good laugh.

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