I keep seeing this quilt... trimmed in scarlet red...a beautiful patchwork of designs and colors... some parts of this quilt are very intricate in their design...other parts are simple beauty in the plainest form... As I am looking at this quilt I notice that the scarlet red color that is along the edges is also scattered through all the other intricate parts...even the plainest pieces have this scarlet red weaved throughout... I notice however that there are holes in the quilt.... and parts that are unfinished....
As I am gazing at this quilt and pondering the meaning behind it...The Spirit of the Lords says, "This quilt is your life.... notice the red... that is the blood of my son.... the blood that he shed for you....notice how your life, the quilt, is edged in this scarlet red.... your life is protected by the blood of my son.... Notice the intricate pieces, notice how beautiful the are... These are the parts of your life when you were the most broken... notice them now how beautiful they are...notice the intricate threading weaved through those broken times.... that was my spirit mending and healing, putting you back together....notice the plain pieces... the pieces although beautiful in color...not a lot of detail....notice how they surround the broken pieces....these are the times in your life when I allowed you to rest...I allowed your spirit to be still...Notice the pieces that are unfinished... these are the pieces that I am currently working on... these are the pieces that are being stitched right now as I am growing you in my spirit.... Now, I want you to notice the holes... These are the pieces of your life that you have not yet surrendered to me... I want those pieces... I have something beautiful in mind for those pieces... I want to create a pattern, a patchwork of unbelievable strength.. surrender them to me now... So, I can show you the design I have for your life... "
Heavenly Father, the master designer, my creator... I surrender all of my life to you... I surrender all of the holes in my life to you... I give them to you now.... I want to see the design you have for me... I want to be a patchwork of unbelievable strength... a pillar for you... Thank you Father for Showing me...take them now and complete your work in me that my life, your creation, will glorify you! Amen....