While praying in the spirit the spirit of the Lord came to me saying:
Just as I appeared to Moses in the burring bush, so will I appear to all... I will come with fire... For my love for my children is so great! My desire is to gather them all up in my arms...my heartaches for my children~I hear all of their cries and I feel all of their pain!
Believe that I am here..believe that I will appear to you~~believe that my desire is to hold you so tight in my arms~Live Holy and you will see me! Love my son whole heartedly for he is the expressed extension of me~of my love! My desire to walk among became flesh so that you might know me and love me as I love you...
One day~One glorious day you will see me in all my glory~ and you will live forever with me~ One day every soon you will walk my streets~ One day you will bow at the foot of my throne and you will be made perfect~~One day very soon all will be hold my glory and all things will be made new....