I sit here with my gaze upwardly~
Not physically but spiritually
I find my attention, my longing, my desires
to be other worldly!
I notice my heart is captivated, captivated
by the Great one, for he has all of me..
I sit here with my gaze off to the future
that my mind is only given a glimce off...
I find my past a mist of never more
and my tomorrows are of grandeur...
I notice my words are no longer mine
as my spirit speaks to its maker...
I sit here in a gaze
as the world vanishes around me...
I find my attention is on a throne
to the one who sits
among might thunders and rushing rivers.
I notice my eyes are beholding eternity
and my soul is at peace...
How can I focus on these
worldly deeds that I must endure~
When my eyes behold such beauties
such pictures of hidden treasures
How can I pretend to not feel the outwardly struggle
as my flesh is caught between
When the closer I get to the Lord of ALL
Evil is sculling around me as it searches for a break
in my armor..
I sit here in a gaze
hearing and seeing into another world~
a world where every possibility exist..
Where out of such light reaches out
and demolishes darkness making humanity whole...
Where out of such voices travel at the speed of light
and prayers become sweet aroma...
Where out of such wind brushes over and under
angelic host as a touch from God is delivered...
Where out of such a word spoken is delivered
as breathe and new life begins...
I sit here, but not...
because I have little kinship with this world...
My identity is held in the heavenlies~
For there is where I long to be...